Congratulations to our 2020 graduates!

The AILC held the first end of course celebration for our first ever accredited online Certificate II and IV in Indigenous Leadership courses this week.

IMAGE: Our 2020 course graduates - legends one and all!

Due to COVID restrictions, the AILC mobilised quickly to start delivering courses online. Trainer Clinton Scott-Knight was concerned that it would be tricky to build relationships with students and between students in the same way that the AILC does in the face-to-face courses. However, today Clinton was happy to report that even online, students built deep connections with each other.

CEO Robyn Forester kicked-off the celebrations by congratulating the graduates and acknowledging their achievements. 

Robyn then introduction our two special guests - NT Parliamentarian, the Honourable Ngaree Ah Kit, and Olympian Patrick Johnson.

IMAGE: MP Ah Kit addresses the graduates.

The Hon. Ngaree Ah Kit is the first Aboriginal woman speaker in any Parliament in Australia.  She shared her story with the group explaining that she joined parliament to be a part of the solution.   

"It can be tough at times, but I wake up every morning ready to work to keep improving my community", she said.

 Ngaree congratulated the students and shared her top 5 leadership tips: 

  • Being involved in work that benefits others – leaders don’t just talk – they get involved.
  • Be really organised
  • Be inclusive
  • Lead with compassion
  • Be resilient


Ngaree also shared tips about looking after yourself, learning to say no and creating good life balance. She also said that her father sits on her shoulder every day giving her direction and strength.


“I want to make sure that what I do shows others that they can do it too. I want them to think – if Ngaree can do it, so can I”


The second guest speaker was Olympian Patrick Johnson.  He spoke to the graduates about having aspirations and a vision for themselves. Patrick also encouraged the students to take time to congratulate themselves and reflect on your own success.


“We need to celebrate ourselves more – we need to know we are Deadly and, more importantly, we need to TELL ourselves that we are Deadly!”

Patrick shared his own experience of learning to not listen to other people's expectations of you, or the barriers others  put up for you. He talked of his time at ANU in Canberra.  He was 24 years old and had just taken up running seriously.  People around him told him that there were no fast runners in Australia, and he couldn't expect to be fast. By 30 he had broken the 100m record and in 2003 he was the fastest person in the country, a record he still holds!

IMAGE: Olympian Patrick Johnson addresses the graduates.

Patrick also talked about the different leadership styles and the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people.  "It important to reflect and learn from your failures, but not wallow in them", he said.

AILC trainers, Timmy Duggan and Clinton Scott-Knight, closed the celebrations by thanking all the students for their dedication and hard work. They also acknowledged their ability to adapt and navigate an online format and their patience with the AILC as we found our feet in this space as well.

Congratulations to all our amazing graduates!