Here we are its winter.

So cold in the nation's capital on Ngunnawal Country, however at the AILC things are heating up! 

Over the past couple of months we have welcomed new staff Clarissa in Darwin and Alfie in Bundaberg, along with a new contract trainer and assessor Steve on the Central Coast of NSW. We’ve also kicked off a new project supported by Shell Australia QGC.


As I reflect on the recent NAIDOC Week theme For Our Elders, I am reminded of the importance that our Elders play in our families, our Communities and most importantly in our lives.  I’m grateful for the many lessons that my Elders taught me because without them I would not have the skills, tools and confidence to live the life that I do. 

My Elders

As a young child I remember the many yarns that my grandfather told me, at the time thinking they were no more than made up stories.  But after he passed and I got older I realised that those stories were life lessons to live by.   

Then there was my Gran who told me more than once that the only person who’d stand in my way would be me!  A constant reminder that comes up when I tell myself to step aside and create opportunities.   

And I deeply appreciate the Elders that I have been privileged to sit with and learn from. For Our Elders has relevance way beyond NAIDOC 2023.  I honour all Elders because without you we would not have the opportunities that we have today.

The Voice

For 5 weeks during May and June I was lucky enough to be on holidays, spending time in Canada and the USA. 

In some ways it was nice to be away from the constant media commentary about The Voice. However, as an advocate I am voting YES because I believe it’s a good place to start.  The Voice will help us make progress on issues that have been stuck for too long.  

Listening and talking

During my travels I was interested to see that the international community is watching The Voice conversation in Australia and people were asking me lots of questions. It was also an opportunity for the Australians that I was travelling with to ask me questions and discuss their concerns in a safe space.  

As I told many of them, this is your opportunity to learn more, to have meaningful conversations and make your own decisions fully informed.  I encourage everyone to take the time to listen.  Listen to your Community, listen to your Elders, listen to both sides and be informed.  But most importantly, make sure that you are enrolled to vote and use your right to have your say.

Enrol to vote

Democracy is for us all.  Our communities have had important governance structures since time immemorial. The way we have governed may have changed but policies and processes have always been there to support our communities as a whole.

So when I think about governance, leading people and creating change for my Community I think of Indian writer, author and philanthropist, Rohini Nilekani's quote...

 "We cannot be mere consumers of good governance; we must be participants; we must be co-creators".

I look forward to following the journey ahead of us all as the referendum date draws near.