Your donation could help an Indigenous person receive their first qualification; re-shape the lives of young leaders and transform options for communities across the country.

Individuals and businesses wishing to support the growth of Indigenous leadership across Australia and to help close the gap are warmly welcomed as donors and partners of the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre.
As the AILC has DGR status, donations are fully tax deductible. Donors can specify which projects they wish to contribute towards, or they can agree to allow the AILC to use funds for any of the projects. All donors are recognised on our website and in our publications (unless donors express a preference for anonymity).
Make your online donation today.

Why a focus on Indigenous leadership?

The challenges faced by Indigenous communities in overcoming disadvantage will not occur without strong leadership from Indigenous people themselves. Leadership in these communities requires an approach that uses Indigenous cultural understandings of how to bring about change as well as drawing on western models of leadership. The AILC courses draw on both traditions, building participants’ skills in areas such as governance, planning, consultation, negotiation and conflict resolution while also exploring what leadership means in an Indigenous context.

How can I help?

To donate to the work of the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre :
  • Donate online 
  • Make a deposit or EFT transfer directly into our Bank Account
  • Make a cheque made out to the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre Ltd
  • Make a credit card payment, excluding Amex and Diners

All monetary donations to the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre Ltd above $2.00 are fully tax deductible. In-kind contributions are also appreciated.

Please mail all donations as cheques to:

The Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre Ltd
PO Box 186
Donation envelopes are also available. If you would like to receive a receipt for your donation, please include your contact details. Alternatively, contact us to make a donation via direct deposit or credit card or for further information.


Many Australians seek an enduring legacy through their Will. By making a bequest to the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre Ltd in your Will, and provide ongoing support to Indigenous Australians in future, all you need to do is ask your solicitor to insert a clause in your Will.
For Example:
I GIVE $________ to the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre of 245 Lady Denman Drive, Yarramundi ACT. PROVIDED THAT if that organisation cannot receive a gift, then that gift shall be made to the charitable organisation in the relevant jurisdiction that my executor considers most closely reflects the objectives of the originally nominated organisation.

In-kind Support

The AILC also welcomes in-kind assistance to assist in delivering its operations. If you or your organisation would like to contribute time and experience to assist in making these projects a success, please contact us with details of how you could add value.